Monday, September 10, 2018

What Do You Do?

What do you do when things seem to be going slowly or not at all the way you planned in your business?  Even though your business can feel like it's at a stand still, for me, I have to tell you that overall it is exciting and a bit scary being my own boss.  Those feelings sometimes cause me to question myself.  I may ask myself at times "what am I doing" or "why am I here"?

For those of you out there who are new in business, I'm here to say it's alright.  What I do is pray.  That's number one for me.  It always works.  In fact just recently I was led to a post in the forum in my back office that spoke of taking baby steps.  After reading that post, I realized that I may not be where I want to be right now but with continued perseverance I will get there.  Another thing that I do is remind myself why I went into business.  I think about what it will mean for my family and for the countless people out there willing to join me and take a chance at changing their lives and the lives of their family members as well.  What do you do?

Thanks for listening.

Fay Jones